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Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Area Offers Help in Time of Crisis Opinion Piece
Reactions to yet another killing on a school or college campus fall along predictable lines of division.
It’s the gun culture’s fault. It’s bad parenting. It’s lax security on our campuses.
It’s a result of an entertainment media culture that…

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Shoe Program Expands to Doniphan County
Although school is out for the summer, one local agency took large steps to kick off the upcoming school year.
The expansion of AFL-CIO Community Services’ Soles for Christ shoe program will begin this summer to include Andrew and Buchanan counties, plus the…

Monday, July 7, 2014
Remember Kids’ Needs Year Round – an exploration of AFL-CIO July events to benefit kids in need.
Early July hardly seems the time to be thinking about going back to school, let alone Christmas. Still, there is wisdom in planning ahead.
AFL-CIO Community Services has organized a series of events…

Friday, June 28, 2013
This year's event will be help August 12th and 13th. Donations of new tennis shoes would be greatly appreciated.
To donate or volunteer, please call 816.364.1131 or come to 1203 N 6th St.